Paintings and Designs. Beautiful and Challenging
Captivating paintings and designs in different themes and art movements: photorealism, surrealism, phantasy, symbolism, etc.
Discover a New World, Stunning Colors, and Natural Elements
The best paintings, designs, and ideas show love and passion for art, color, fantasy, and the world. New ideas and techniques will always daze and amaze you.
Check out the Amazing and Valuable Ideas of LoveArtPassion
Especially the method to stop insects, rats, etc., called “Staeblering.” 3.1 million views on YouTube. Save lives and energy; no chemicals. Prevention of Chagas, dengue, malaria, and other diseases. No chemicals. Seal your home from insects and crawling entities. Keep smog out of the apartment. Keep cool or hot air in the room. An idea that could transform the world. Simple, fast, cheap, and effective.
We sell attractive, absorbing oil paintings made by artist Christian Staebler. Founder LoveArtPassion™, Switzerland. Read the Biography – Contact us.