Source – Transformational Touch. Oil Painting, 2020
Artist Christian Staebler. Artwork is available. Price Negotiable. Size 47.5 x 35 in = 120.8 x 89 cm. Oil on canvas.
This picture shows the source’s levitation power initiated with a transformational touch. Surrounding hills, riverside with organic stones, and an expressive sky elevate the vibration of the image. A skinless man is flying on a gravitational rarity due to the moment that a hand appears in the river.
Transformational Touch – Source
A source is a place, person, or thing from which something comes or can be obtained. Life is the equivalent of a source; experience life in its complete form, the sweetness and bitterness.
Flow as Water
After many years of listening to the rivers flow, I was in his waves and rhythms. So that day, as usual, I spoke with the river and got inside the water; my body was purified and translucent. This day I remember it was when the first hand appeared out of the water and pointed at me. It was my transformational touch.
We sell beautiful, interesting oil paintings made by artist Chris Staebler. Read biography. Founder LoveArtPassion™, Switzerland.