Record Tracklist

Doors to Other Worlds – Transformation. Oil on Canvas, 1972
Artist Christian Staebler. Available. Price Negotiable. Size 21.3 x 15 in = 54 x 38 cm.
Doors to other worlds is an oil painting about birth, death, rebirth, and all stages in our journey through this world. You see, four scall figures appear in a door on the horizon. A magical fish dances and jumps to celebrate the sun and the ocean.
Transformation – Doors to Other Worlds
A sudden energy opened the doors of birth, death, and rebirth as the quantum phenomena happened in a distant skyline. The golden fish jumps beyond the door of a multidimensional opening. Where will we go from here? Could we even choose the door to the world we like whenever we exit? While meditating, inside my body, a new world gets time and space forever. A new star gets born within me.
Through how many masks do we see ourselves?
Before we can learn the only truth, “To Be.” Walk the red path that leads you to the water of the sea. Or go for the country where the moon always shines. Dive like the fish in the ocean of life.
We sell beautiful, interesting oil paintings made by artist Chris Staebler. Read biography. Founder LoveArtPassion™, Switzerland.