Rose In The Orion – Heart in the Universe. Oil on Canvas. 1995
Artist Christian Staebler.Sold. Size 31.5 x 39.3 in = 80 x 100 cm.
Universe and Orion with its red rose. A painting of love, imagination, and far beyond. The twirl inside the rose creates a black hole, and the outer petals of the rose are subject to slow dissolution.
View the oil painting Rose In The Orion – Heart in the Universe.
Heart in the Universe – Rose in the Orion
Heart in the Universe, my love. Nothing is as far and near as you. My love is constantly reemerging out of the vortex of the center of the rose. Love is the time tunnel that I take to be with you instantly. There you know, in the Orion is our meeting place.
It is the precious flower we all seek but cannot reach. When found, it dissolves mostly over time into black matter.
Go Into the Rose’s Whirling Petals
It is a fragile flower that constantly grows, so it is tough to smell the beautiful fresh scent. Still, it is possible even if it’s so far away. The smell of the petals; triggers the feeling of a trip. The perfume is unique, a source of love, and a potent aphrodisiac. The power of this fifth element which is love is immense. Look at the picture to get into whirling fluid petals and never return.
We sell beautiful, interesting oil paintings made by artist Christian Staebler. Founder LoveArtPassion™, Switzerland. Read the Biography – Contact us.