Other Dimensions – Mirrors. Oil on Canvas. 2008
Artist Christian Staebler.Available, Price Negotiable. Size 54.3 x 43.7 in = 138 x 111 cm.
Blue and lovely painting other dimensions. A dove is mirroring in a cube and cylinder in the blue sky with clouds. Watch the change of reality and dimension in a blue, cloudy sky with the mirroring dove.
View the oil painting Other Dimensions – Mirrors.
Mirrors – Other Dimensions
A flying bird creates fractal, cylindric, and cubic elements; finally, the bird sees his mirroring picture. The other dimension is projected, and the flight continues to the parallel world.
The Dove is Finding a Wormhole
A wormhole is created in the space between a cloud and the blue sky. In an instant, it will vanish in a parallel universe. We may see the dove again when our life here ends. And parallel dreams are developing and replacing our day and night dreams. There is a way out of this endless cycle by going into a wormhole that leads to infinity.
We sell beautiful, interesting oil paintings made by artist Christian Staebler. Founder LoveArtPassion™, Switzerland. Read the Biography – Contact us.